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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > Tag_antibody > Hycult Biotech/LAIR-1, Human, mAb NKTA255, immuno assay antibody | Hycult Biotech/HM2364-IA
商品详细Hycult Biotech/LAIR-1, Human, mAb NKTA255, immuno assay antibody | Hycult Biotech/HM2364-IA
Hycult Biotech/LAIR-1, Human, mAb NKTA255, immuno assay antibody  | Hycult Biotech/HM2364-IA
Hycult Biotech/LAIR-1, Human, mAb NKTA255, immuno assay antibody | Hycult Biotech/HM2364-IA
商品编号: HM2364-IA
品牌: hycultbiotech
市场价: ¥13100.00
美元价: 7860.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 标签抗体
公司分类: Tag_antibody
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
The monoclonal antibody clone NKTA255 recognizes human leukocyte-associated immunoglobulin-like receptor-1 (LAIR-1). The LAIR family consist of at least two members; LAIR-1 (CD305) and LAIR-2 (CD306). To date, several splice variants of LAIR-1 have been identified. LAIR-1 is an inhibitory receptor expressed on most immune cells, like NK cells, T- & B-cells, monocytes, DCs, megakaryocytes, eosinophils, basophils, and mast cells. Especially the expression on pDCs is high. The main ligand of LAIR proteins is collagen. LAIR-1 is a transmembrane receptor with a single extracellular Ig-like domain, a transmembrane region and a cytoplasmic tail. This tail consist of two immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif (ITIM) domains, which are responsible for its immunomodulating action. After cross-linking, the tyrosines in the ITIMs become phosphorylated which is required for inhibition of cellular activation. By shedding a soluble variant of the protein arises. sLAIR-1 can be found in healthy individuals and can be used as a marker of lymphocyte activation. sLAIR-1 has been found among others in serum, urine, amniotic fluid, and synovial fluid. Besides collagen, a few other ligands are described like Complement C1q, MBL, and SP-D. Complement activation of the classical pathway is controlled by C1q. By binding of LAIR-1 to C1q, pathway initiation is hampered leading to diminished complement related phagocytosis and immune regulation.The protein has been associated with several (auto-) immune diseases. In rheumatoid arthritis expression is decreased on CD4+ T-cells and high in CD14+ monocytes synovial macrophages. Also in SLE lower levels of LAIR-1 has been found on pDCs. sLAIR-1 might be an indicator of the immune response after virus infection or organ transplants. LAIR-1 modulates apoptosis and cytokine secretion in THP-1 cells.
荷兰HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)位于荷兰乌登,从1994开始制造检测抗体和蛋白质,主要侧重与病理学诊断有关的全套产品研发,既有纯化的重组蛋白和多肽,也有单抗和多抗,是世界一流的先天免疫领域的研究试剂制造商。