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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > monoclonal_antibody > Hycult Biotech/Glyoxalase-1 Human | Hycult Biotech/HM2370-20UG
商品详细Hycult Biotech/Glyoxalase-1 Human | Hycult Biotech/HM2370-20UG
Hycult Biotech/Glyoxalase-1 Human  | Hycult Biotech/HM2370-20UG
Hycult Biotech/Glyoxalase-1 Human | Hycult Biotech/HM2370-20UG
商品编号: HM2370-20UG
品牌: hycultbiotech
市场价: ¥1980.00
美元价: 1188.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 单克隆抗体
公司分类: monoclonal_antibody
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
Monoclonal antibody 17E6A12/G4 recognizes human glyoxalase-I (GLO1). GLO1 is a major protein form the glyoxalase systems which is present in the cytosol of all cells. The function of this system is the metabolism of reactive dicarbonyl metabolites to less reactive products. GLO1 catalysis the isomerization of hemithioacetal derived from methylglyoxal and glutathione. GLO1 prevents the harmful accumulation of methylglyoxal. The GLO1 gene exist of 3 phenotypes. Embodying the homozygous and heterozygous expression of the protein. GLO1 consists of alpha helical regions and multiple beta strands. Protein and DNA modification by substrates of the glyoxalase system is linked to healthy aging, including diseases like diabetes and vascular dysfunction. This vascular impairment could lead to complications like retinopathy, nephropathy and bad wound healing. Overexpression of GLO1 in endothelial cells under hyperglycemic condition can revert the negative effects on angiogenesis. Glo1 is also considered to be a tumor suppressor protein and it is ubiquitously expressed in most tumor cells. Therefor inducers of GLO1 expression could be useful in cancer treatment.
荷兰HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)位于荷兰乌登,从1994开始制造检测抗体和蛋白质,主要侧重与病理学诊断有关的全套产品研发,既有纯化的重组蛋白和多肽,也有单抗和多抗,是世界一流的先天免疫领域的研究试剂制造商。