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Hycult Biotech/Proteinase 3, Human, mAb PR3G-2/HM2172/100 µg

Hycult Biotech/Proteinase 3, Human, mAb PR3G-2/HM2172/100 µg
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Description: Proteinase 3, Human, mAb PR3G-2
Monoclonal antibody PR3G-2 reacts with human proteinase 3 (PR3), a 30 kDa protein. PR3 is a major antigen recognized by autoantibodies directed against cytoplasmic proteins of neutrophilic granulocytes and monocytes (called anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies (ANCA)). ANCA are able to activate primed neutrophils to produce oxygen radicals and release lytic enzymes, including PR3. Proteinase 3 (PR3) was identified as the target antigen of ANCA in Wegener's granulomatosis (WG). ANCA directed against PR3 (PR3-ANCA) can interfere with the binding of PR3 to its physiological inhibitor alpha1-antitrypsin (alpha1-AT) and with the proteolytic activity of PR3. At the site of inflammation, PR3 can cleave the PR3-ANCA complex between these inhibiting ANCA and PR3 itself, leaving active PR3. Autoantibodies to PR3 are potent activators of the 5-lipoxygenase pathway in primed human neutrophils. Extracellular free arachidonic acid, as present at an inflammatory focus, synergizes with such autoantibodies to evoke full-blown lipid mediator generation, granule secretion and respiratory burst. Proteinase 3 (PR3) is a neutral serine proteinase, which is localized in the azurophilic granules of neutrophils and in granules of monocytes and can be detected in the membrane of secretory vesicles. PR3 degrades a number of extracellular matrix proteins such as elastin and inactivates human C1 inhibitor. Membrane-associated PR3 is also able to activate caspase-3 without triggering apoptosis of neutrophils, which is possibly a neutrophil survival mechanism. In addition, PR3 is involved in myeloid differentiation and is, therefore, also called myeloblastin. The monoclonal antibody PR3G-2 was produced by immunization of mice with a crude granule extract.
Catalog number | HM2172 |
Product type | Monoclonal antibodies |
Quantity | 100 µg |
Formulation | 1 ml (100 µg/ml) 0.2 µm filtered antibody solution in PBS, containing 0.1% bovine serum albumin and 0.02% sodium azide. |
Application | Flow cytometry, Functional studies, Immuno assays, Western blot |
Use | For immunohistology, flow cytometry and Western blotting dilutions to be used depend on detection system applied. It is recommended that users test the reagent and determine their own optimal dilutions. The typical starting working dilution is 1:50. |
Isotype | Mouse IgG1 |
Species | Human |
References | 1. Geld van der, Y et al; Characterization of monoclonal antibodies to proteinase 3 (PR3) as candidate tools for epitope mapping of human anti-PR3 autoantibodies. Clin Exp Immunol 1999, 118: 487 2. Pederzoli, M et al: Proeinase-3 induces procaspase-3 activation in the absence of apoptosis: potential role of this compartmentalized activation of membrane-associated procaspase-3 in neutrophils. J Immunol 2005, 174: 6381 |
Storage and stability | Product should be stored at 4°C. Under recommended storage conditions, product is stable for one year. |
Precautions | For research use only. Not for use in or on humans or animals or for diagnostics. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all local/state and federal rules in the use of this product. Hycult Biotech is not responsible for any patent infringements that might result from the use or derivation of this product. |
Disease | Autoimmunity |
荷兰HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)位于荷兰乌登,从1994开始制造检测抗体和蛋白质,主要侧重与病理学诊断有关的全套产品研发,既有纯化的重组蛋白和多肽,也有单抗和多抗,是世界一流的先天免疫领域的研究试剂制造商。