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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > monoclonal_antibody > Hycult Biotech/TLR8, Human, mAb 44C143, FITC/HM2160F/100 µg
商品详细Hycult Biotech/TLR8, Human, mAb 44C143, FITC/HM2160F/100 µg
Hycult Biotech/TLR8, Human, mAb 44C143, FITC/HM2160F/100 µg
Hycult Biotech/TLR8, Human, mAb 44C143, FITC/HM2160F/100 µg
商品编号: HM2160F
品牌: hycultbiotech
市场价: ¥7752.00
美元价: 4651.20
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 单克隆抗体
公司分类: monoclonal_antibody
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

Description: TLR8, Human, mAb 44C143, FITC

The monoclonal antibody 44C143 reacts with human Toll- like receptor 8 (120 kDa). TLRs belong to a family of proteins that specifically recognizes and senses microbial products. They are highly conserved throughout evolution and have been implicated in the innate defense to many pathogens. In Drosophila toll is required for the anti-fungal response, while the related 18-wheeler is involved in antibacterial defenses. In mammals, TLR are identified as type I transmembrane signaling receptors with pattern recognition capabilities. The various TLRs exhibit different patterns of expression. The TLR8 gene lies in close proximity to another family member, TLR7, on human chromosome X. The TLR8 gene consists of three exons, two of which have coding function. TLR3, 7, 8 and 9 belong to a third class of TLRs which are localized intracellular where they detect nucleic acids derived from viruses and bacteria. TLR8 recognizes imidazoquinolines and ssRNA and interacts with its ligands in endosomal/lysosomal compartments. Small interfering RNA (siRNA) can activate TLR8 only when mRNA is complexed with lipofectin and when the siRNAs are encapsulated into liposomes. NK cells are activated through TLR7/8 and report a central role for monocyte-derived IL-12 in the differential IFN- produced by NK cells in response to different TLR agonists.


Catalog number HM2160F
Product type Monoclonal antibodies
Quantity 100 µg
Formulation 1 ml (100 µg/ml) 0.2 µm filtered antibody solution in PBS, containing 1% bovine serum albumin and 0.02% sodium azide.
Conjugate FITC
Application Flow cytometry, Paraffin sections, Western blot
Use For immunohistology, flow cytometry and Western blotting, dilutions to be used depend on detection system applied. It is recommended that users test the reagent and determine their own optimal dilutions. The typical starting working dilution is 1:50.
Immunogen Synthetic peptide of human TLR8 within amino acids 750-850 conjugated to KLH
Isotype Mouse IgG1
Species Human
Alias Toll-like receptor 8, CD288
References 1. Hart, O et al; TLR7/8-mediated activation of human NK cells results in accessory cell-dependent IFN-{gamma} production. J Immunol 2005, 175: 1636
2. Clark, R et al; Human squamous cell carcinomas evade the immune response by down-regulation of vascular E-selectin and recruitment of regulatory T cells. J Exp Med 2008, 205: 2221
3. Wong, C et al; Intracellular signaling mechanisms regulating Toll-like receptor-mediated activation of eosinophils. Am J Resp Cell Mol Biol 2007, 37: 85
Storage and stability Product should be stored at 4°C. Under recommended storage conditions, product is stable for one year.
Precautions For research use only. Not for use in or on humans or animals or for diagnostics. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all local/state and federal rules in the use of this product. Hycult Biotech is not responsible for any patent infringements that might result from the use or derivation of this product.
Disease Infectious diseases
荷兰HyCult Biotechnology(HBT)位于荷兰乌登,从1994开始制造检测抗体和蛋白质,主要侧重与病理学诊断有关的全套产品研发,既有纯化的重组蛋白和多肽,也有单抗和多抗,是世界一流的先天免疫领域的研究试剂制造商。